Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Crime in the Himalaya

An unfortunate side-effect of my bag getting stolen the other week is that I started thinking about how vulnerable to crime I'll be in the Himalaya. After all, I'll be a woman, all alone, many thousands of miles from home in a fairly isolated area. And, although I'll have a porter and a guide provided by the trekking company, I've been reading some disturbing stories about thefts and violence on the trail. And it's not just money and such that gets stolen but life-critical equipment. I've read some really horrific tales. :-(

Am I less or more likely to be targeted because I'm travelling in the off season? Is there anything I can do to mitigate my risk?

The only things I can think to do are the following:

1. Get a lock for my rucksack and to use on the door of my room at the teahouses
2. Keep my travel wallet with me at all times
3. Leave all of my jewellery at home

I really don't know what else I can do. Suggestions are more than welcome.

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