Thursday, 21 July 2011

Good News/Bad News

So the good news is that I've lined up my next project AND even found a small piece of work for 5 days next week to "in-fill" before the the new project kicks off. This is very good news indeed because it means that the money keeps flowing and, frankly, the cost of this shindig PLUS not working for 2.5 weeks while away is making some serious inroads into my finances.

But the bad news is that I'll be working ever day between now and take-off so there's no time for the trip to Mt. Snowdon, shaking down the equipment, getting my UK passport replaced, etc. I project manager language, there is no slack in the critical path. :-(

This also means that there's no time for the last minute publicity blitz I was hoping to organise.

So here it is folks: there's less than a month to go until I leave so if you were thinking about donating please do it now! And please spread the word! The link to donate is and you can also donate by text in the UK by following the instructions below.

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