Friday 16 November 2012

Managing from the Mountaintop - Needs Improvement

Sometimes even the best laid plans must bow to the power of mother nature. While the weather was beautiful yesterday morning - enough that I was actually able to skin down, take a hot shower and get into some clean duds, by noon the wind was picking up and by 3pm had gotten boisterous enough that just as I was getting patched in for the morning meeting connectivity died entirely. Since then connectivity has been hugely unreliable although it seems to have steadied enough now that I can post this. ::fingers crossed::

At least I was sent an update from th team so I know the results of the meeting I was unable to attend.

Sushila got me up early this morning (well, 7:30) and we walked up to see the local holy man. He and his wife were born and raised here and their home is enchantingly traditional, down to the supply of winter fuel in the ground floor - dried yak dung.

We then walked over to the Gompa (monastery) to make a donation and then visited the museum there before walking across town to the Sherpa market to get fresh meat and produce to prepare for the feast/party tonight. So with that said, I'm going to end this post now so I can go help in the kitchen.

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